老師說沒看過這樣的一個班級, 幾乎自從 Culture Presentation 之後, 每天都有人帶點心來請大家吃。大概太常有點心吃了, 所以連老師和一開始沒表示什麼的中國同學也開始加入提供點心的行列。我開始覺得煮味噌湯給同學這點子很不錯, 因為這幾天吃到好多不一樣的點心和食物, 哈哈 。不論是上課還是下課時間, 大家常常在吃東西, 通常下課還會交流這道菜怎麼做之類的話題。總之, 我們是一個快樂又愛吃的班級。

不過, 快樂的班級從今天開始會有點小沉重

時間過的很快, 課程已經剩不到 2 週了, 所以我們將進入第二輪 Presentation:每個人要像談話性節目的主持人一樣, 先介紹一則新聞, 然後說出自己對這個新聞的看法, 再提出一些問題請同學發表意見。今天老師問大家預備的新聞主題 (怕大家都關注到目前的中東戰爭, 所以要確保每個人的題目不一樣)。

雖然老師希望我們介紹的新聞是比較有趣或新奇的, 但似乎大家還是比較容易注意到戰爭或悲慘或可怕的事, 連老師也不例外。從老師今天介紹的新聞, 再加上大概知道同學明後天的主題, 看來我們會有 2 天的內容大多是沉重的。

老師今天的主題是:Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - "U.S. convinced genocide"。其實這應該不算是最近的新聞, 但有很多人卻一直不知道, 包括我在內 (聽說也有很多美國人都不知道)。以下先簡單說明一下這則新聞的內容:

非洲國家蘇丹西部 Darfur 地區的人因反對蘇丹政府, 致蘇丹政府不滿, 便利用民兵 (Janjaweed, 在 Darfur 出沒的阿拉伯游牧民族) 殺害、強暴、奴役 Darfur人及燒毁他們的家。從 2003 年初到現在, 已經至少 10 萬人被殺死, 超過 2 百萬人無家可歸。

老師還放了『Million Voices for Darfur』的 DVD 給我們看。我們只花了 20 分鐘左右看了片段, 但看這報導真是讓人的心情沉到谷底。後來大家討論時, 還提到盧安達種族滅族這件事。唉, 大家愈討論就愈沉重

雖然幸福的我們沒有遭遇這一切, 但那不代表我們不能設身處地為這些人感到難過。雖然這些國家都離我們很遠, 好像也沒有辦法為他們做些什麼, 但我想也許我們可以多為他們禱告, 還有寫明信片給布希總統 (。我常常覺得很多人雖然生活壓力大一點, 可能還會煩心沒有合適的對象或是還沒成就自己的事業, 但, 生在台灣也還蠻幸福的。如果每個人都常常數算自己所擁有的, 不但會很容易感到滿足, 而且會更願意幫助別人, 那麼這世界就會變得更美好吧~

若對 Darfur 事件有興趣更了解的人, 可以看看以下的連結: (中文) (中文) (英文)


Summary of main points
The conflict in Sudan began in early 2003 when rebel groups began attacking government targets. The rebels say that the government is oppressing black Africans in favor of Arabs. Militias (known as the Janjaweed), apparently supported by the Sudanese government, have been attacking villages where black Africans live. Refugees say that following air raids by government aircraft, the Janjaweed ride into their villages, killing the men, raping the women, and stealing whatever they can. At least 100,000 people have been killed, and more than 2 million people have fled their homes.

There has been debate over whether or not what has been occurring can be called 'genocide'. A U.N. report has said that the Sudanese government has not actually committed genocide, but that some individuals have "committed acts with genocidal intent." The U.S. believes that what is happening is, in fact, genocide, and therefore UN peacekeepers should be sent, and sanctions should be imposed on Sudan.

Teacher reaction
She thinks that it is ridiculous to argue over the term 'genocide'. What is happening in Darfur is absolutely horrible, and she doesn't think it's enough just to declare sanctions and send in UN peacekeepers. The international community needs to do more to stop this horrible violence and help the refugees of Western Sudan.

Questions for discussion
1. A lot of people don't seem to know that this is happening. Why do you think that is? Why isn't the media paying more attention to this problem?
2. Do you think that the international community doesn't care as much about what goes on in Africa s in the rest of the world? If so, why?
3. What do you think the role of the United Nations should be? And what about the role of the United States and Europe?

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