本來以為來到維州後, 我得重考駕照, 沒想到維州對軍眷家屬真好, 只要有軍眷 ID 加原駕照即可。雖然不用重考, 不過我還是快速把 Virginia Driver's Manual 看一遍, 希望沒有漏掉與德州不同的地方 , 以下是自己覺得需要記住的。
$25,000 for bodily injury or death of one person;
$50,000 for bodily injury or death of two or more people; and
$20,000 for property damage
$50,000 for bodily injury or death of two or more people; and
$20,000 for property damage
*維州規定 0~8 歲孩童必須坐安全座椅。
*忘記加油而抛錨在路上可被吊銷駕照並可罰鍰最高 $250.00。