算一算 Matt 應該再一箱尿布就可以撐到準備搬家的 10 月, 所以我本來想這二週去一趟 Victoria 扛尿布。剛好朋友提醒我 8 月有免稅週, 那反正暫時還不缺, 就等免稅週再去搬尿布囉 ~

Texas Tax Free Weekend:Aug. 15-17, 2008
免稅項目包含以下種類, 但金額不可超過 100 元:
* Baby clothes
* Backpacks for use by elementary and secondary students
* Belts with attached buckles
* Boots - cowboy, hiking
* Caps/hats - baseball, fishing, golf, knitted
* Coats and wraps
* Diapers - adult and baby
* Dresses
* Gloves (generally)
* Gym suits and uniforms
* Hooded shirts and hooded sweatshirts
* Hosiery
* Jackets
* Jeans
* Jerseys - baseball and football
* Jogging apparel
* Neck wear and ties
* Pajamas
* Pants and trousers
* Raincoats and ponchos
* Robes
* Shirts
* Shoes - sandals, slippers, sneakers, tennis, walking
* Socks (including athletic)
* Shorts
* Suits, slacks, and jackets
* Sweatshirts
* Sweat suits
* Sweaters
* Swimsuits
* Underclothes
* Work clothes and uniforms

以前曾經聽過朋友說最喜歡在免稅週末去大採購衣服, 不過若打折超過 10% OFF, 那比免稅還划得來耶, 所以也有一派朋友是對免稅週末興趣缺缺, 因為他們覺得換季出清的折扣都比免稅週還要划算啦 ~ 不過尿布沒什麼換季出清, 所以我還是要免稅週時去搬, 一箱可以省 $2 以上也不無小補啦

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