今天小組聚會結束回家後, 聽著「Special to me」這首歌, 寫著給老公的信, 第一次因為想老公哭了起來

其實這首歌是寫給孩子的, 是我在【黛西的部落格】聽到他送給他女兒二歲生日的歌, 但我覺得把孩子換成老公也超符合我的心境, 所以還抄了一段歌詞在信裡給老公哩 ~

You are very special to me
And I am very special to you
I know that this is where I am meant to be
I'm glad that my husband is you" -- 原來歌詞是 baby

Exactly what I wanted
Exactly who you are
I know we'll work together
And we will reach the stars

Families stick together
And family lasts forever
Forever, that's how long I'll love you

有興趣聽這首歌的人請連到【黛西的部落格】, 除了可以聽到這首好聽的歌外, 還可以看看他可愛的女兒哦 。本來我還不曉得 Rachel Coleman 這號人物是誰, 一查才知道原來我之前就看過她的 signing time 啦, 雖然蠻喜歡這個節目, 但一直都沒記住她是誰啦

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